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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Terry's Tlaxcallans

Terry Webb has finished his Tlaxcallan army and has given me permission to post them here so others can view them. Make sure you click on the images and enlarge them so that you can truly appreciate the amount of work that went into these. They are truly stunning to view - even if they can't fight!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nashcon DBA Events Report

Nashcon was an all around smashing success, with lots and lots of gaming, a thriving vendors area, and for those like me looking to pay for our expenditures, a great flea market Sunday morning. For those of you following the Sarmatian saga, they did indeed sell, and I was also able to get in a smashing victory over Rob Torres' Greco Bactrians before their sale. I think that may have been Rob's first or second game, so he clearly used me to warm up his troops, as they went on to win the DBA open tournament. Paul Potter hosted a marvelous campaign game Friday night with lots of intrigue, rewards, and masacres. In the end Bob Kelso reigned supreme and took home a Bactrian prize army provided by Wargames.


Rob Torres traveled down to Nashcon from Norther Virginia and was rewarded for his efforts by winning a hard fought victory over Paul Potter's Navarese in the final round. Rob got to take his pick of the three prize armies offered and chose to take a later Hungarian army provided by Wargames back home with him to Virginia. He's pictured here helping out in the DBA clinic session.

Rob Torres and Paul Potter face off in the final round. Rob took the final round 4-2 with his Greco Bactrians vs Paul's Navarese.

The Navarese

The Greco Bactrians advance

Ron Seaney with Polybian Romans and Chip Russo with Later Sarmations

Don Harting playing the Early Imperial Romans

Ed Dillon brushed the rust of his game with the Anglo Normans and wanted to give full credit to his successes to his opponents lack of die rolling skill.

Gray Strickland took time off from the busy vendors area to join in the fun playing an Italian Condotta army. Other participants were Terry Webb with the Feudal French, Bill Banks - the runner up and winner of a Parthian army, played the Early crusaders, Bob Kelso with Ghasnavids, Steve McBee with Hellenistic Spartans, and Nathan Lowe playing the Bosporans.


The clinic was a resounding success with twenty participants, many of them new to DBA. We even had one husband and wife team, Doug and Laura Acker, join in the fun. All participants were entered in a drawing for a complete 25mm Saxon army provided by Iron Wind Metals. Bob Kelso was the lucky winner. He promises to be back next year with the Saxons all painted up and ready to battle.

Doug and Laura Acker face off with the help of Terry Webb and Glen Little.

Joe Collins played a very short game against Mike Hicks (below), Mike losing his general early in the game.

Ron Seaney gives Doug Moore a helping hand with the rules.

Mike Preston gives the Camillan romans a try.

Bill Banks gives Chuck's untried ebay armies a lesson in tactics. Bill was the eventual runner up in the DBA open Tournament.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sarmatians finished in the nick of time!

Well here they are in all their glory. Hope they sell!

Friday, May 2, 2008

25mm Polish and French

Just finished these recently so I thought I'd post a few pictures. They are mounted for DBN using the optional double basing method. I love painting 25mm Napoleonics as there is just so much more "meat" to them.

This is an element of Front Rank figures painted as the 7th Polish (Duchy of Warsaw) infantry that served in Spain and Russia. Polish uniforms are notoriously hard to pin down and I have read many different theories on how this particular unit was uniformed. In the end I decided to rely heavily on Haythornthwaites' work, in which he states that they retained their national uniform in spain, unlike the other Polish regiments, and were not uniformed in French style.

I have been wanting to paint a unit of white coated French for literally 25 years and have finally done so. I had some old minifigs lying around that needed to be repainted, so they form the back line of the element, while the front line are all Essex miniatures.

Sarmatians coming along

The Sarmatians have been coming along nicely. I have broken them into two groups, one to sell at Nashcon, and the other for my own use. I will be using two different painting styles so it will be interesting to see how each army comes out.

These are the later Sarmatians for sale at Nashcon. If ever there was an army designed for drybrushing it is these. I decided to do a black undercoat and drybrush the armor. I will then go back and do the detail work. The Sarmatians used a variety of armor: horn, laquered red leather, bronze and iron, which should make them very colorful.

These are for my own army and will comprise enough figures for an early or later Sarmatian force. I have primed these white and they will get a base coat of color and then an all over wash to pick out the detail. A little more work than just drybrushing, but hopefully worth it.

Here are the light horse archers converted from lancers.

More lancers converted to javelin armed shielded cavalry. This was a much easier conversion and the figures look great.

from a different angle

Progress Report

I'll start with an update on my 1806 Prussian project for DBN. I have just finished three elements for the light infantry and jagers, as well as some nice terrain pieces to represent towns and fortifications.


and going

For the terrain pieces I decided to go with 1/300th scale buildings, which are large enough to almost accomodate 15mm figures, but small enough to fit on the base sizes required. The buildings, and walls are from Hovels, and the hedges are just piecesof flocked foam.

I love the flower gardens around the house for a little bit of added color.

The jagers

detached schutzen (sharp shooters) from a light infantry regiment

The light infantry. This photo makes them look like they are huge compared to the building, but it is really just an effect of the camera angle and of course the fact that the figures are on a relatively thick base.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mayans are Ready for the Jungle

The Mayans are now ready for the March 22nd tournament at Wargames, but as to how they will fare.... 8 Aux, 2 Blade, 1 Bow, and 1 psiloi... I sure hope I get to be the defender and set terrain, otherwise I'm hosed. I just spoke to Baxter at Wargames, and he tells me the winner will come away with an Essex Alexandrian Macedonian army, A sweet prize! As two of our local ringers will be unable to make it, and I will be playing a real powerhouse Mayan army, the chances are excellent for a novice or occasional player to take home the prize.

Essex Aztecs masquerading as Mayan auxilia.

Porters trudging through the homeland. The tree is from Lifelike, as is the brush and high grasses. The rocks are made from a plaster impregnated paper product called Sculptamold.

The whole gang

A bad a## auxilia unit with the central warrior standing on the highground made from more sculptamold paper mache. I'm worried people will mistake this for the general's element, but I'll just have to make an extra effort to point out the real general.

Here he is. The stand on the left with the conch shell trumpeter is the general's element. Hopefully the giant headdress will make that clear.

Psiloi hiding in the rocks and bushes

The only unit that a knight army needs to fear - sigh.

More red body paint and stripy guys.