Monday, April 8, 2024

Legion Irlandaise

They are a little late for their St. Patrick's Day debut, but I am happy to show of the refreshed Legion Irlandaise, originally painted by Richard Tennant.  My good friend Wellington Man has just posted his beautiful take on this regiment on his blog, The Hinton Spieler,
 I thought it would be fun to post these as well to compliment his work.  I am fairly certain these are made up of David Clayton castings, as they tend to be a bit smaller than original Hinton Hunt figures.  Nonetheless, they are beautifully cast and painted.  It was a pleasure to just touch these up a bit and add some shading and brighten the colors a titch.  I did add a new flag as the previous one was a bit too ordinary for such a splendid regiment.  I decided to model the 2nd battalion of the Regiment that served in Spain.  They are not quite as fancy as Wellington Man's 1st Battalion with their full plumes, but I do like their workman like simplicity.  They are lead by Lt. Colonel Jeremiah Fitzhenry, who is modelled with a lovely modern Franznap casting of a French Light Infantry Colonel.  He is the only figure I can claim as my own, but hopefully my touch ups have improved ever so slightly on the original rank and file.


  1. They are nice, great buttons, but just a 24-figure unt? I thought you were making everything at least 36-strong - was this historically a weak unit?
    Don't worry about being late with this unit - we're used to Americans being late. A cheap shot but you did descibe the poor conditions that denied you the eclipse as 'English weather' so fair's fair... ;o)

  2. Having lived in England for a time I am well acquainted with the gray skies, so I hardly think you can call me out on that one! :) DT always made his foreign regiments in service to the great powers a little smaller, which in some cases was justified, but in many cases was not.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Matt. It's always a pleasure to add my little touches to Mr. Tennant's work. He provided beautiful figures to start with, which makes my job easier!

  4. Stunning brushwork!

    Kind Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes! Dick Tennant and I make a good team I think.

  5. Nice to see the Irish legion being painted by more collectors.

    1. I have it on good authority yet another take on the Irish Legion is in the works...

  6. Lovely looking unit, great work on the originals and your touch ups certainly add to them. I love seeing old veterans getting made ready to fight again on the table top, it's great that they are not forgotten or even worse binned.

    1. That was one of the commitments I made to myself when I purchased this collection. I really wanted it to stay as a whole collection and to get used by friends and gamers!

  7. I love them. Fitzhenry is exquisite.

    1. High praise coming from you! I must acknowledge how much easier it is to paint the well cast modern figures such as I used for Fitzhenry, but I do think he turned out rather well. Thanks again for the inspiration!

  8. They look fantastic David and Colonel Fitzhenry certainly looks the part!

    1. Thanks Stryker. That silver bullion mixed in with the green is quite striking!

  9. Very nice indeed. I am green with envy.

  10. Beautiful toys David…
    All this work from you (And Matthew) is certainly inspiration for me th get on with my own Irish…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I can't wait to see them! Funny that none of us will have used the same figure manufacturer for these. Have to love some old school variety!
