Friday, May 2, 2008

Progress Report

I'll start with an update on my 1806 Prussian project for DBN. I have just finished three elements for the light infantry and jagers, as well as some nice terrain pieces to represent towns and fortifications.


and going

For the terrain pieces I decided to go with 1/300th scale buildings, which are large enough to almost accomodate 15mm figures, but small enough to fit on the base sizes required. The buildings, and walls are from Hovels, and the hedges are just piecesof flocked foam.

I love the flower gardens around the house for a little bit of added color.

The jagers

detached schutzen (sharp shooters) from a light infantry regiment

The light infantry. This photo makes them look like they are huge compared to the building, but it is really just an effect of the camera angle and of course the fact that the figures are on a relatively thick base.

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