I saw the Alte Fritz's beautiful pups on his site this week, and since he opened the can of worms, I couldn't resist posting some pictures of my own furry beasts.
Here we have Snuggers, the most affectionate cat the world has ever known. We put up with a cat from hell for eighteen years, so I think divine Karma graced us after that experience with her. She is known for her instapurr and bisquit making ability.
This is Tucker, our first born. She's fifteen, or perhaps sixteen years old, so is starting to lose some of her pep, but not so much that she won't get out and enjoy the rare snowfalls we get.
I remember when our children were first born, how Tucker became their surrogate mother. She was very affectionate and protective of them, despite their hair pulling. She was the designated foot washer, and everytime she saw my newborn son's toes, she inspected them and then washed them throughly! She's slowing down, but still loves her daily walks and a scratch behind the ears.
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