Saturday, June 2, 2012

American War of Independence - Hessians

 These lovely fellows have been on my desk mocking me for at least a year and I am so pleased to have finally finished them.  They are 54mm AWI figure from "All the King's Men".  I got in some games this past weekend using the ATKM rules at Nashcon and had a blast.  The owner, Ken Cliffe, provided most of the figures and hosted an incredibly entertaining and stunningly gorgeous game.  Of course it helps that my side scored a decisive victory!

The flag for the Hessian Lieb regiment was copied directly from the internet and printed on linen paper.  The source was an 18th century period painting of the regiment; here a link:

 The officer, complete with crop with which to beat his subordinates into submission.  I chose to black line all of the fiddly detail with an ink liner which took some time.

Speaking of taking some time, what was I thinking when I decided to give these chaps blue ticked overalls.  I would stripe one or two pair a night, but that was all I could handle at one sitting.

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