Sunday, April 6, 2014

54mm DBN Barker Marker

 Here are some shots of a 54mm Barker Marker for DBN made from Tom Meier's excellent resin pieces from his Thunderbolt Mountain range of Napoleonic figures based on period caricatures.  The snow turned out to be problematic and I lost most of it during the shoot and had to apply with a different technique (gluing and then spraying to be sure it was firmly attached.)  These are on an 80x80mm base since I use non standard sized double basing for my 28mm DBN armies.



  1. As someone who's not played DBN - what's a 'Barker Marker'? Presumable a command post marker or possibly a pimped up measuring device?
    As it's clearly winter shouldn't the Grognard be wearing his black gaiters? ;o)

  2. A pimped up measuring device is exactly what it is - for determining an element's zone of control. As for the black gaiters, since the campaign was supposed to be over months ago, he didn't bother packing the black gaiters, and the damned cossacks keep raiding the re-supply wagons!
