Sunday, September 24, 2017

Old School Dapol English Cottage

 I've always liked this cottage ever since I saw it in the Airfix guide to Napoleonic Wargaming by Bruce Quarrie.  It seemed like every time I turned around I would see it again in someone else's games, so I finally asked Matt of The Hinton Spieler blog fame where he got his.  Turns out it is available from Dapol and is dirt cheap.  It's actually a very nice little kit, to which I added the stone wall and critters, but here we have it.  There is just enough room for a full battalion of infantry to crowd in behind the walls.

Some Russian Grenadiers scaring away the livestock!


  1. It's better than mine, David! You realise you'll have to get the pub and the church now too....


  2. Only until you paint your own I'm sure! I have the church and the windmill waiting unpainted in the wings, but didn't know there was a pub. You would think I would have found the pub first! Thanks again for letting me know ho made these wonderful little models.


  3. What a beautiful building, very nicely done!
