Sunday, September 15, 2019

Almost There.....

Just a quick work in progress shot or two this week.  The Bavarians are nearing completion at long last.  Just some detail work and a little bit of highlighting and they will be ready for basing


 Only the sword hilts remain to be done on the backside of the figure.  They will need to be black-lined though, so not insignificant.

 Buttons, cross straps and shoulder straps are all that remain on the front side, but once again, the cross straps at least will need to be a two-step process so that they will stand out against the crossed belts.

Despite the very long time to get these figures to this stage, there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing they started out as the figures above.  As a reminder, with the help of readers I was able to identify these figures as metals casts of converted Airfix French Old Guard grenadiers.  Matt Golding provided some replacement muskets and I suddenly had what I needed to make a unique battalion of Bavarian infantry.

 I've been slowly whittling away at a series of smaller painting projects, and I am determined to get these off my desk before starting another unit of 1/72 Napoleonics.  On deck I have some figures to supplement a Narnian fantasy army, a base camp vignette for a Napoleonic 28mm army based for a DBA variant, and three elements of French Hussars who have been awaiting paint for a number of years that is embarrassing.

 As a final distraction from painting I have been promising to create an appropriate display for the Tennant collection.  Over the years, our study space became a repository for all kinds of odds and ends (and one massive oak desk that was a gift from one of my wife's colleagues).  Now that or eldest child is settled in Florida and the youngest away in college, I have gotten spousal approval to turn this space into my office and decorate as I wish, so wanted to get a few "before" pictures. 

 I had intended to paint the woodwork (it is inexpensive pine paneling), but these photos gave it a richness it really doesn't possess that I find quite appealing.  It is in actuality quite pale and washed out in appearance.  I may try and give it an application of oil or varnish and see if I can save it, before I commit to painting the room.

 The futon and artwork will be relocated.  I am hopeful that I can find some reasonably priced bookcases or display cases that will take their place and let me show off the Tennant collection.

We have two writing desks or display cabinets in the room that came from my wife's grandparents.  I think one will get relocated and the other will stay.  I may have to try my hand at installing LED display lights within the cabinet.  In any event I wanted to document the state of the study before I get started on bending it too my will.


  1. I try not to count the steps to completion as I find it discouraging. It'll be well worth the results, never fear!

  2. Once they get close like this I find they almost paint themselves. It is so much easier to find motivation to paint when the end result is within sight. In just the last hour I laid down all of the black lining, so now just have to go back when dry and lay in the detail.

  3. I hope so Matt. It has been a long time coming! Spent the afternoon cleaning up my son's old room and relocating my wife and daughter's sewing stuff to that room. I think redecorating the study will end up affecting every room in the house!

  4. The Bavarians are coming on nicely and when you give them a nice shiny coat they'll leap into life.
    I am suitably jealous of your 'wargames room' even if it is just a future project at this stage. I've hankered after one all my life. I shall have to vicariously enjoy yours, so keep the posts coming.

  5. Truth be told it will just be a study with some displays, not a gaming room as there simply is not enough space. Painting and gaming all take place in the un-heated/basement. No too bad in the summer as it stays pretty cool, but I have been known to paint in half mittens during the winter!

    I got a lot of work done on the Bavarians Sunday, so they are on the cusp of being done!
