Monday, August 19, 2024

Nashcon and Few New Additions to the Collection

 Well, Nashcon has come and gone and what a wonderful long weekend it was.  I spent most of Friday and Saturday evening connecting with friends, playing a few games, and spying the occasional bargain.

Firstly, thanks for to the two Scotts - Primus and Secundus, for a fantastic game of Ancient Britons versus Romans over the fords of the Medway river.

Blimp view of the Medway with only three available fords

The center passage was narrow and too heavily guarded for the Romans to make any significant progress.

My command on the right was able to carve out a toehold, but just barely.  It was on the larger ford at the left of our line that the Romans secured their victory, if only barely!

The 10mm printed figures were immaculately painted and presented.  Genuinely a beautiful game presentation.

Love the checkerboard formation of the Romans to represent their professional drill.

It wouldn't be a convention if I didn't bring something home from the flea market or Vendors!

This one was a real surprise and a bargain!  A whole unit of nicely painted 25mm Scruby Wurtemburgers for $24!

I really do think the Scruby line is underappreciated.  These are some lovely figures.

Three DK artillery teams on the cheap!

Anybody know these?  I don't think they are DKs.

Was this a real trail design for howitzers?  Any clue on the nationality if so and the figure make?

I needed these like a hole in the head, but may be able to use them or pawn them off on some other willing victim...

I Haven't been entirely idle during all this and have made some progress on my Polish Lancers of the Guard.

Taking my time on these, but enjoying the process.

All the sword and carbine details took awhile!

Count Krazinski coming along.

His uniform will have lots of silver lace eventually that may induce blindness in the painter...

Back to the old grind tomorrow, but I do have a milestone birthday coming up next month.  I think I may need to treat myself...