Monday, August 19, 2024

Nashcon and Few New Additions to the Collection

 Well, Nashcon has come and gone and what a wonderful long weekend it was.  I spent most of Friday and Saturday evening connecting with friends, playing a few games, and spying the occasional bargain.

Firstly, thanks for to the two Scotts - Primus and Secundus, for a fantastic game of Ancient Britons versus Romans over the fords of the Medway river.

Blimp view of the Medway with only three available fords

The center passage was narrow and too heavily guarded for the Romans to make any significant progress.

My command on the right was able to carve out a toehold, but just barely.  It was on the larger ford at the left of our line that the Romans secured their victory, if only barely!

The 10mm printed figures were immaculately painted and presented.  Genuinely a beautiful game presentation.

Love the checkerboard formation of the Romans to represent their professional drill.

It wouldn't be a convention if I didn't bring something home from the flea market or Vendors!

This one was a real surprise and a bargain!  A whole unit of nicely painted 25mm Scruby Wurtemburgers for $24!

I really do think the Scruby line is underappreciated.  These are some lovely figures.

Three DK artillery teams on the cheap!

Anybody know these?  I don't think they are DKs.

Was this a real trail design for howitzers?  Any clue on the nationality if so and the figure make?

I needed these like a hole in the head, but may be able to use them or pawn them off on some other willing victim...

I Haven't been entirely idle during all this and have made some progress on my Polish Lancers of the Guard.

Taking my time on these, but enjoying the process.

All the sword and carbine details took awhile!

Count Krazinski coming along.

His uniform will have lots of silver lace eventually that may induce blindness in the painter...

Back to the old grind tomorrow, but I do have a milestone birthday coming up next month.  I think I may need to treat myself...


  1. Well you’ve stumped me with those guns. The last item is most odd, no cascabel and the towing ring being the point of ground contact for the trail. I wonder if someone bent it to stop the gun sticking up in the air?
    Really impressed with how the Polish lancers are shaping, they will be genuinely elite unit i.e., a cut above the rest.
    Given your haul I would say you have already treated yourself!

  2. You know, you have a point there Rob, but I'll need something to salve the wound of turning 60. Maybe I'll pretend I am 40 again and go to a Taekwondo class. :)

  3. Good looking ancients game, nicely done. I haven't seen much Scruby figures before so the Wurtemburgers a real treat, really well done, great bargain. Nice bit of loot! The Polish lancers should be stunning when done, great work so far.

    1. Thanks Donnie. It feels like the lancers will never be finished, but the work on them does keep moving forward.

  4. Glad you had a great time at Nashcon. I was out of town all weekend. I have a soft spot in my heart for Scruby figures; they’re the first Napoleonics I started with 60 years ago. The Württembergers look great! Glad you found them. Can’t wait to see the completed Lancers—off to a very good start.

  5. I'm just now really discovering Scrubys. When the goal is a simple toy soldier look, they are actually quite charming in their simplicity and proportionality. I'm also looking forward to seeing the completed Hinton Hunt lancers and get them off my painting desk!

  6. Playing games and getting new toys… What’s not to like David.
    The lancer are looking really good… The witch certainly make a fine unit when they are finished.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hah! Looks like you got hit by the dreaded auto-correct. I wish I had a witch who could just cast a spell and get those lancers done!

  7. Hi David. Some nice pieces you picked up there :)

    It's funny how things go around in life because Daniel Peterson - the guy who now owns both my old 40mm Peninsular collection along with that of the late Ian Smith had planned to set up a huge game at Nashcon but had a burst trailer tyre on the journey so had to turn back. He had to remove over 2,000 40mm figures and terrain to access the spare! Hopefully the entire collection will be there next year so you may get to see it? Both Ian and Graham (to whom I sold my 600 figures) were only in their mid Sixties when they passed and Daniel remarked on The Curse of The 40mm's but said he would take his chances :)
    All the best to you,

    1. Thanks for giving me some of the backstory Lee. I had no idea some of those figures were yours! I was bummed Daniel couldn't make it to Nashcon, and I can't imagine the frustration of having to unpack everything to change a tire in the Tennessee summer heat! As you say, looking forward to next year. I do hope the collector's curse does not hit me in my sixties, as I hit that milestone next month and have years of painting and creation yet to do!

    2. David, 'my' part of Daniels collection are quite well travelled! From UK to Spain, back to Uk and onto the US. Wonderful figures but I was never going to have the space to enjoy them here. Here are some of them sitting on display shelves in Spain :) .

      Birthday best wishes for your 60th, I passed that milestone 6 years ago :)

    3. Oh wow, Lee. Can't wait to see those in person. It must have been hard to say goodbye to that collection!

  8. I think your Scrubys are fabulous, David! The Lancers are going to be really something special roo.
    Best regards, WM

    1. Thanks WM. Now if I can just get down into the basement and spend some time on them!

  9. I have just stumbled across your blog. What a treasure trove of beautifully painted soldiers. I haven't seen Scruby figures for ages and your find recently was an amazing acquisition. Bob

  10. Glad you found my blog Bob and that you enjoyed the visit. I feel a little overwhelmed by our hobby at the moment, with all of the projects I want to tackle, but as I see it, that is a good problem to have!
