Sunday, February 25, 2018

Russian Cossacks Plodding Along

It has been so long since I started these Cossacks, that I thought I needed to at least share some photographic evidence they they have not been abandoned.  Here they are, slowly taking shape:

 All the lances were painstakingly replaced and now I am realizing the challenge of painting these old Der Kriegspieler figures in earnest.  Some castings are great with subtle detailing, whereas as others are going to require a lot of painting skill to make any kind of detail show.  Hopefully I'm up to the challenge, but the detail bits are yet to come.

The current state of my painting desk is one of the reasons the Cossacks are taking so long.  I have tons of small projects underway and have also been trying to clear out excess lead through some garage sale posting (more to come today!), so there has been a challenging lack of painting space.


  1. Commiserations, Dave. DK cavalry can test the patience of a saint. You'll get there in the end, though, and DK's will respond to sensitive painting as well as the best of them.

  2. Thanks Matt. Appreciate the words of encouragement. At least if I can paint these, I will know the others will be a cakewalk by comparison!

  3. Painting these old figures can be a challenge especially as they all seem to suffer from disappearing detail syndrome at some place or another. I'm looking forward to seeing how your Cossacks turn out.

    1. Thanks Stryker. Sorry for the delayed response as for some reason your post was buried in my comments moderation board. I am still making progress and will have some more pictures soon. I'm trying to emulate Matt's black lining technique, but it is by no means a natural act for me!

  4. Hi Dave

    Keep going. I find it takes me a while doing these classic figures as end up painting the detail where there is no one the casting.

    1. These cossack castings came from a number of different sources and the inconsistency in the detail is astonishing! At least by looking at all the castings I can usually find one that will at least let me know what detail is supposed to be there!
