Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hinton Hunt and DK Russian Cossacks Picking up Speed

 I have finally been able to carve out some painting time this week and made significant progress on the Cossacks.  It is when the painting starts to come together like this that usually I am able to make some quick progress.  I have almost all of the colors blocked in, so now it is just detail work to bring them to completion.

I will admit to being quite nervous about how these would come out, given the lance conversions and general lack of detail on a lot of the figures, but in the end I have to say I am quite pleased.  Hopefully the end result will equal the vision I have for them, but that is yet to be seen.  Many thanks to Matt of the Hinton Spieler for his painting inspirations and also the painting of this unit as seen in the My Ever Growing Armies Blog.


  1. They already look super, David. Looking forward to seeing them finished.

  2. I’m a latecomer to your blog courtesy of Wellington Man - maybe not too surprising as I had to wade through lots hits on those irritating yellow minions to get here.
    Your Guard Cossacks are coming on a treat, I can’t wait for the promised completed photos.
    Being behind the drag curve, is there any chance to catch me up you could pose some shots of your completed Napoleonics a bit like WM’s army photos?

    1. Rob,

      I am actually hoping to do an update today with pictures of the completed cossacks, and if the weather permits, show them with their commrades. Most are shown in a previous post though: I also just updated all of the relevant posts to include the Der Kriegspieler and Hinton Hunt label which you can use to navigate to those posts. Glad you enjoyed the site!

  3. Rob,
    Just like to say that I named my blog long before those little yellow minnions were a thing. Appreciate you wading through them to find me!

    1. Nice photos and figures - always had qualms about Guard Cossacks as flash uniforms seems the antithesis of cossack grunge. That said yours look like a choice unit.
      Oddly I think they look better running away - not because I'm a Russophobe but because you can see all the strap work and there's nothing that marks out a well painted figure better than clean straight lines.
      I checked out your Russians defending a village - delightful, but who are they defending against? Do have any French?

  4. Ignore my last comment - I just found your Cuirassiers! No wonder the Russians were defending a village, wouldn't want to get caught out in the open by that lot.

    1. Hopefully the French will have some much needed Infantry support soon. I have my first battalion of French Line Infantry on the painting table as I type.

    2. How are they organised? WM has a lot of elite in his battalions, are you equally short of fusiliers? French fusiliers should be THE most common troop type so it amazes me that they're in such short supply...

  5. I'm just starting on the French, but will have plenty of line infantry fusiliers. For variety I will have a line Italian battalion, Bavarians, and for elites will have a couple of battalions from the middle guard. Of course all of that is theoretical until I can actual get some brush time in.

  6. Those pictures with the red sunset remind mne of the cover of Terry Wise's "Introduction to Battle Gaming" book..

  7. Steve,
    I'm not sure I know that one. I will have to check it out. Hope it brought back some good memories for you!
