Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Bavarian General Major Franz Xaver Graf von Minucci

 Finishing up the Bavarians before moving on to the Baden contingent.  Long overdue for an appearance is: 

General Major Franz Xaver Graf von Minucci

The uniform is inspired by the Knotel print in the Elting Napoleonic Uniform book. 

The figure itself is a Dave Clayton casting of the Hinton Hunt Marshal Massena, figure FN 356.

All he needs now is an artillery wagon, which is well underway, and the Bavarian contingent will be ready for battle.


  1. Lovely work David, he really looks the part!

    1. Thanks Stryker (where does that come from by the way?). I feel like I am getting there, and am starting to feel there is a modicum of hope that I will eventually get all of Dick's figures incorporated into a coherent whole!

  2. A lovely clean paint job - are the Bavarians going to see action soon? A deadline for battle might just speed that ammunition wagon along.
    I've finished (painting, not varnishing which I do in batches) Suchet and King Joseph, and the ADC should be finished later this evening. Then it's onto the foot figures (Cambronne, Oficer of the Guard Foot Artillery and 6-figure unit of Young Guard Voltigeurs) which have had their faces and block colouring done. That will complete the WiP batch I posted about some time ago - progress was slowed by those ski troops which I did not enjoy painting and a nasty hacking cough for about ten days running up to Christmas. After that I'm afraid it's going to be more terrain for my 20mm WW2 I use for Chain of Command.

    1. No deadlines are allowed in my hobby work. I have too many of those in the real world! Sounds like you have quite the collection on your painting bench. Look forward to seeing them.

  3. Lovely looking miniature and very nice painting, really good work on him,

    1. Thanks Donnie. It was nice to have a good casting to work with!

  4. What an absolutely cracking paint job. I shall definitely be stealing this idea.

    Is "Minucci" Italian for Miniatures, by any chance? If it isn't it should be.

    1. Steal away. I've stolen so much from you I've lost count! That's so funny about Minucci. It sounds so Italian I almost promoted him to GdD Wrede!

  5. A beautiful paint job David…
    Especially on the front of the tunic…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Great to hear from you. Hope this means you are recovering from the crud!
