Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Nassau 2nd Regiment of the German Division in French Service

Thanks to the head start provided by Mr. Tennant, the Nassau 2nd regiment is now complete.  As usual I added some shading and highlighting as well as a general refurbishment of chipped paint to the rank and file and battalion command.  The Colonels are new additions to the collection.  All were then given the shiny treatment and then rebased for that finishing touch.

The first battalion in firing line followed by the second regiment in a two company wide attack column

The regiment is led by Oberst August Freiherr Von Kruse, accompanied by Hauptmann Thielmann.  The second battalion is led by Oberstlieutenant Von Meder, who was later promoted to Oberst and led the regiment upon its transition to British service in 1813.

The figure I used for Von Kruse started life as a British General as described in my previous post. 

The figure for Hauptmann Theilmann was originally painted by Dick Tennant to lead the first battalion, but I couldn't resist pulling him out and mounting him with Oberst Von Kruse.  Thielmann did actually lead the 1st battalion on occasion when Von Kruse was serving as the Brigade commander.

My addition of epaulets and the removal of the British style open jacket collar and aigulets appears pretty seamless now that he is all painted up. 

Von Meder, converted from a Der Kriegspieler figure, is a good bit skinnier than his superior.  I guess Von Kruse was not good at sharing the excess from his dinner table...

The Rank and File

Mr. Tennant did amazing work on the original paint job.

2nd Battalion command figures

Currently the Voltigeurs in both companies are based altogether on one company base, but I may decide to break up the basing so they can serve as a skirmishing unit.

My buddy Rob just posted some pictures made with his new light box and some questions came up about size of the box, backdrops, camera positioning and the like.  I thought I would post a shot of my set up, though I am far from expert at this type of thing.  I did work as a photographer long ago, but never did any product photography.  Fortunately I still had a couple of photo floods lying around, but there is nothing special about them as they just house a standard 100 watt equivalent soft white LED bulb.  The box itself was quite affordable ($40 if memory serves) and came with additional lights and three backdrops.  The one seen here has been spraypainted to add interest.

Next up will be the artillery ammunition wagon for the Bavarian contingent (they are basically a stand in for the Dutch in the actual composition of the German Division that served with the French army of Portugal).  Hopefully that will be followed quickly by another refurbished regiment (the 4th Baden) and artillery who also served with the German Division.

Planned organization of the German Division


  1. Gorgeous looking unit and commanders, really lovely figures and top notch painting.

    1. Thanks Donnie. I'm really excited to be making progress on the German division. Hopefully I'll be able to get them into a game before the end of next year with all of the Spanish.

  2. Wonderful work with this unit David - they look stunning!

  3. Thanks Ian. Really enjoyed seeing your work on the Hinton Compatriot as well. As for a moratorium on purchasing, lets just say I fell short as well, and leave it at that!

  4. These are splendid, and get us that bit closer to Mesas de Ibor and a chance to see some Spanish in action. It was also interesting to see the full OOB for the divsion, I'd love to see what the Paris Municipal Guard look like - are they the ones in red coats with green facings?

    1. They are indeed. I have the elite company figures, but may have to go on the hunt for appropriate center company figures. :(

  5. Dito the above comment a most splendid looking unit.


  6. Beautiful work as always David…
    Delightfully colourful toys…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I have been playing with British guns for the last few days thanks to you. Appreciate your help in providing the firepower!

  7. These are lovely beyond compare. In fact they're so exquisite that they present a dilemma. I'm 99% convinced that for both battalions DT chose the charging and firing variants of Hinton Hunt French YG Tirailleurs and YG Voltigeurs for for his Nassau fusiliers and voltigeurs respectively. I have some of these and the temptation to do likewise is almost overwhelming!
