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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Lammings forging ahead

 These lovely Lamming miniatures, a gift from Wellington Man, have finally broken through the summer doldrums and are approaching completion!

Lining the crossbelts and adding buttons are the only major elements remaining.

Just finished the painful process of piping all of the turnbacks!

A Hinton Hunt General de Brigade will lead them.  Historically General Kellerman lead the combined Grenadiers at Vimeiro.

I am unsure what his rank was at the time, hence the command sash is still unpainted.

Question:  Shall I just line the cross belts, or paint them dark grey and come back with white later.  I'm thinking I can just line them.  The addition of extender to my acrylic paint has really helped with lining, as the paint flows better for a longer period of time.