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Thursday, April 21, 2022

His Majesty's Guardsman

One of, if not the quality, I admire most in our hobby, is the depth of friendships we develop over our shared passion for this relatively obscure endeavor.  I have good friends across the city, and some across the globe.  Of those international friends, many I have never met in person - a state of things I hope to remedy!  
Astute readers of my blog will have noted the troops around Vimiero are taking a "Winter's Peace" of sorts while I attend to health matters.  Not to belabor the medical stuff; I recently discovered that I was living with two large aortic aneurysms.  Thanks to the amazing folks at the medical center where I work, I am now one week out of post-op, home, and feeling stronger every day.  I even walked the pups yesterday much to my wife's chagrin.  Health-wise, I could not have hoped for a better outcome.  It looks like my dear spouse and family are stuck with me for at least another 40 years (that may be a bit greedy, but why not at this point).
Not a day after getting home from the hospital, I discovered this ambassador waiting for me in the mailbox.  What a joy to open the package and find this immaculately painted guardsman in the old style.  He is a vintage 30mm Willie figure of an Imperial Guardsman originally sculpted by Edward Suren and ably painted by Aly Morrison.


The guardsman came complete with orders which read: "His Imperial Majesty sends his regards and has dispatched one of his finest guardsmen to ensure that you take time to rest and recover.  Most importantly - GET WELL SOON!" signed Aly Morrison (ADC)

 Thanks to all for the support along this journey and for the host of well wishes I have received from our community.  With any luck I'll be able to incorporate painting into part of my rehab and will have some of my own soldiers to show off soon.  In the meantime, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to Aly for a real lift of my spirits that was unexpected and truly delightful.  Best to you my friend.


  1. A fine gesture and lovely piece.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery David.


    1. It was indeed Lee. I appreciate the well wishes and am hoping today will be the first of many painting therapy days. It amazes me that a week after someone was sewing on my aorta, that I am already up and about. I do believe my surgeon has some mad skills!

  2. Thank you David..

    I am so glad this chap has given you so much joy… DO AS HE SAYS..😁
    I am looking forward to seeing your rehab painting…
    And then we can get back to some ‘shiny’ war. 😈.

    As for surgery… Just having the b**ls to cut someone’s chest open deserves respect beyond measure….. I wonder what his figure painting skills are…😁

    All the best my friend… Aly

    1. Hah! I go back to meet with the surgeon next month. I'll have to ask him if he paints. The day I went in he did a surgery in the morning, mine in the afternoon, and a heart transplant that evening. The guy is a beast!

      Got my painting table cleared of miscellaneous figures this afternoon, so should be ready to try the old paint brushes tomorrow.

      Thanks again for the well wishes and dose of good cheer.

  3. David, great news to hear how well you're doing, but I echo Aly in reminding you to follow orders - especially those of your doctor.
    For a moment I was jealous of the gift from Aly but the moment passed with the sobering realisation that I'm the lucky one in not having an aneurysm.
    Stay well and get better.

    1. Hah! I love it. No worries on the following orders front - I am working on being a very compliant patient. In truth it is quite easy, the most burdensome part simply being tracking meds/weight/BP etc. I have been very pleased with the recovery, in large part I think, because of Aly's guardsman's protections and admonition to get well. Not to mention the host of good wishes I have received from you all! :)

  4. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

    1. Thanks Matt. I should be back to painting soon. Was prepping some figures this evening!

  5. I am very happy to see you up and at 'em again! I too am recovering from surgery involving sewing up my main vein, but because of removal of a kidney and thrombosis that went into my liver. I entertained two surgeons for 5+1/2 hours one Monday evening. My wife also restricted my activities but you inspired me to drag out some old Napoleonic miniatures from the 1970's along with a few new ones. My feeble attempts to paint them barely pass for use on a warge table but, I am enjoying the process!
    Get well soon my good friend!

    1. Oh wow Gordy. Sounds like you and I are going through the ringer together. Glad to know you are painting. I hope to get down there tomorrow. We must be mindful to listen to our wives however. They tend to have a lot of wisdom, which frankly sometimes I lack. Think I overdid it a wee bit today, so may well pay for that tomorrow. Speedy recovery!
